Industries Which Needs To Be On Social Media In 2020

The importance of social media cannot be denied these days. You can see every day new businesses are coming up and utilizing social media to increase their sales. However, there are still many businesses that feel that they don’t belong to social media. They don’t have anything to offer to their customers on social media and hence it will not effective in improving their sales. This notion is nothing but far from the truth.

In today’s day and age some businesses will benefit more from other but this is only because of different needs of each business. But that does not mean that those businesses will not benefit from social media. Let’s look at some businesses which definitely need to be on social media in 2020.

Real estate

If there’s an industry that depends on visibility and charisma, real estate is it. Most real estate agents get their business through referrals and references, both of which are only the click of a button away, with the right network. Real estate agents can use their personalities to shine in their online profiles to make a big difference. The more their audience grows, the easier it is for your listings to reach newer people and potential buyers.

Human Resources and Recruiting

Anyone who is in the recruiting field already knows that it’s hard to find that perfect fit of a candidate. It’s not just about finding someone with the right education and experience, but also someone who will be the right fit in the client company’s culture and willing to leave their current position. With social media, recruiters and human resource managers are able to cast a wide net, showcase their persona and find a select pool of candidates.

Science and Engineering 

 It is considered ‘hot’ industries due to changes and advances, scientists and engineers have the ability to generate huge followings online, by discussing their work and experiments.


Not known as a ‘hot’ industry, and not one that changes often, it’s usually written off as not a business with many tech savvy people. However, manufacturers have virtually no competition when it comes to social media, making it an advantage for the early adopters. Plus the national and international reach of social media can put manufacturers in touch with businesses and customers that they’d never think of contacting.


How many times have you or someone you know looked up online resources to find information about health conditions? Most of us look at online medicine portals to find essential information. There’s no denying that specialists are still a very important part of the healthcare equation. But the truth is they have been replaced by the internet when it comes to primary healthcare information seeking. This is one of the prime reasons why digital marketing is so critical for medical professionals.

So I hope after reading this article many businesses would come up and start investing in social media.

Do you have any other businesses which need to be on social media? Do comment below.

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